Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts Of Digital Marketing


Consider the case of Gymshark, a fitness apparel brand that rocketed to success primarily due to its astute digital marketing strategies. By tapping into influencer marketing, leveraging social media, and creating a thriving online community, Gymshark went from a garage-based business to being valued at over $1 billion in just under a decade. 

Digital marketing is no longer a ‘nice to have’ but a ‘must-have’ in today’s hyper-connected world. Whether it’s a mom-and-pop store in a small town or a multinational corporation, a well-executed digital marketing strategy is the driving force behind capturing attention, building an audience, and ultimately, driving sales. 

Like a delicately prepared recipe, it requires the right blend of techniques, careful timing, and consistent testing. And while there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, there are certainly best practices and common pitfalls to be aware of.

Let us dive into the essential Do’s and Don’ts of digital marketing, gleaned from industry experts and backed by research. This article will equip you with strategies to elevate your digital marketing game. 

Ready to become a master digital marketer? Let’s dive in!


#10. Don’t Neglect Your Audience’s Needs

A study published in the Journal of Marketing Management underscored the negative consequences of neglecting customer needs on business performance. The study found that companies that failed to address customer needs experienced decreased customer loyalty and reduced profitability.

It’s crucial to know what your audience wants and likes. When businesses listen to their customers and cater to their needs, it leads to better experiences, happier customers, and more sales. But if you ignore what your audience wants, it could make customers unhappy and you could lose sales.

To understand your audience’s needs, you must:

    1. Keep track of what people are saying on social media
    2. Ask for customer feedback
    3. Check how users interact with your website
    4. Analyze the data

It’s not just about hearing your customers, but about understanding what they need and changing your products or messages to meet those needs.



#9. Do Prioritize Mobile Optimization

Today, more people browse the internet on their phones than on computers. A 2021 report by Statista showed just how important this is – 45.49% of internet users in the U.S. went online using a mobile device. So, it’s very important for businesses to make their websites work well on mobile devices

Making your website mobile-friendly means thinking about things like design, structure, and how fast it loads, to make sure you’re not turning away people visiting on their phones. If your website works well on mobile devices, users are more likely to come back and recommend your site to others.



#8. Don’t Overload with Too Much Information

Clear and simple communication is crucial. Overloading customers with too much information can lead to confusion and can deter engagement. Your marketing messages should be concise, relevant, and easy to understand.

This principle applies to web design as well. Visually complex websites can overwhelm visitors, reducing their interest and engagement. Google found that users consistently rated visually complex websites as less beautiful than their simpler counterparts and were perceived as the most appealing.



#7. Do Engage in Social Media Marketing

Social media has evolved into a powerful tool in the digital marketing toolkit. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, allow businesses to reach a global audience, promoting their products or services beyond local boundaries. 

A study by Sprout Social indicated that a whopping 64% of consumers prefer brands to connect with them via social media, demonstrating the immense potential and impact of effective social media marketing.

Consistent and meaningful engagement can substantially increase brand awareness, boost customer loyalty, and drive sales. Businesses should strive to:

    1. Create valuable, engaging content
    2. Foster an active community
    3. Communicate effectively and responsively with their audience. 

Engaging in two-way conversations, actively responding to comments, and showing genuine interest in audience feedback can significantly boost your brand’s reputation and appeal.



#6. Don’t Ignoring Negative Feedback

Negative feedback, while it may sting, is a valuable resource for any business. It provides direct insight into areas of your product or service that may not be meeting customer expectations. Instead of ignoring it or taking it as a personal attack, view negative feedback as an opportunity for growth and improvement.

Addressing negative feedback can help improve product or service quality and can even turn a disgruntled customer into a loyal one. Customers who received responses to their negative feedback were more likely to continue doing business with the company and even increased their spending.



#5. Do Maintain a Consistent Brand Voice

Brand consistency refers to the process of expressing a brand’s values, messaging, and visual elements in a manner that resonates across all marketing channels and platforms. Maintaining a consistent brand voice is crucial for establishing a strong brand identity, enhancing brand recognition, and building trust with customers. A study by Lucidpress stated that brand consistency can boost revenue by up to 10-20% while 70% are still struggling with it. 

The brand voice is essentially the personality of your business as expressed through written and spoken communication. It can be professional, authoritative, casual, friendly, or any other characteristic that aligns with your brand’s identity. 

The important aspect is that it remains consistent across all platforms, from your website and social media posts to emails and print campaigns. Consistency ensures that your brand is easily recognizable and distinguishable from competitors. It sets expectations for customers and instills a sense of reliability and trust. When customers know what to expect from your brand, they’re more likely to develop a strong connection and loyalty to it.



#4. Don’t Relying Solely on Paid Advertising

Paid advertising can be an effective way to quickly reach a larger audience, but it should not be the only strategy employed in your digital marketing plan. Organic search has shown to drive 53% of all site traffic, underscoring the limitations of relying solely on paid advertising. Organic engagement through high-quality content and social media interaction plays a vital role in building a strong brand reputation and fostering long-term customer relationships.

Content marketing, in particular, can help businesses establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry, thereby gaining the trust and loyalty of their customers. Moreover, organic search can drive significant traffic to your website, enhancing visibility and boosting customer engagement.



#3. Do Use Data Analytics

Data analytics involves processing and analyzing raw data in order to draw valuable insights about customer behavior, market trends, and campaign effectiveness. These insights can help businesses make informed decisions and optimize their marketing strategies.

A report from McKinsey showed that organizations that actively leverage customer behavioral insights significantly outperform their competitors—by as much as 85 percent in sales growth and more than 25 percent in gross margin.

Data analytics can help businesses to target their audience more effectively, understand customer preferences and needs, personalize their marketing efforts, and ultimately increase their return on investment. It also helps in forecasting future trends and making strategic adjustments accordingly.



#2. Don’t Ignore Metrics

Metrics are a fundamental part of digital marketing. They provide measurable data on the effectiveness of your marketing strategies, from click-through rates and bounce rates to conversion rates and customer acquisition costs. By tracking and analyzing these metrics, businesses can make necessary adjustments, optimizing their strategies for better performance.

Ignoring metrics can lead to inefficient resource allocation, missed opportunities, and even failure of marketing campaigns. A report by Econsultancy revealed that only 39% of marketers believe their organization is ‘very committed’ to the value of data-driven marketing. This indicates a significant opportunity for improvement and the necessity for marketers to embrace data-driven strategies.



#1. Do Utilize SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of enhancing a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through organic, or non-paid, efforts. When effectively employed, SEO practices can significantly boost website traffic, which can in turn increase customer conversions.

Key aspects of SEO include:

    1. Keywords should reflect the terms and intent of your target audience when searching for your products or services. Use them wisely.
    2. Meta tags should be enticing and informative enough to encourage users to click on your page. 
    3. High-quality content that provides value to users is not only favored by search engines but also encourages user engagement and promotes credibility.



Taking the digital marketing journey may seem daunting at first, but with the right guidance, you can steer your business towards online success. Implementing the do’s and sidestepping the don’ts mentioned in this article will not only enhance your digital marketing strategies but will also lead to improved results.

Just as a master chef keeps refining their recipes for perfection, you too should consistently refine your digital marketing strategy. And if you’re looking for a professional touch to spice up your digital marketing efforts, look no further than Trending Island. We’re dedicated to helping businesses like yours navigate the digital marketing landscape, making the most of opportunities, and avoiding common pitfalls.

Ready to propel your business to new heights of digital success? Take your next step and get in touch with us. Because in this digital age, staying ahead isn’t just about keeping up. It’s about standing out!